
Merry Christmas

Dear ones ✨

Today and tomorrow many of us are gathering and
celebrating the bEARTHday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ☀️

‘Christ the Saviour is born.’ came into my conscious
awareness this morning wanting to be contemplated.

Some people will be triggered and others will be inspired by this.

Most of my life I have been more triggered by this and other
similar statements until I understood the essence of them.

The wisdoms that Jesus has shared and embodied throughout
his incarnation is a gift for humanity and right now we are being
invited to activate it the purest essence of them within our DNA.

Now is the time for us to remember and embody that Christ
is a state of BEing,
it is a Consciousness and
we are here to BE and embody Christ Consciousness.


No one outside of us is ever going to save us.
Jesus has not come to save us,
nor will he come again to save us.

It is us who we have been waiting for.
It is us who will liberate us.
It is us who will save us.
It is us who are the Ascended ones.
It is us who are the Christed ones.


Jesus came here along side many others to BE the mirror of our own Sovereign Divinity.
He is here with us, as we are celebrating his coming.
Yet, we are invited to celebrate our coming as well, alongside him.
We are invited to know that we are just as powerful and amazingly beautiful as Jesus.
We are the Daughters and Sons of the God, Goddess, the I AM presence, just as he is.
We are the ones who are changing the collective consciousness, just through this rememberance.

This is powerful beyond our current understanding.
The shift in consciousness created through us has a
ripple effect across all timelines and dimensions and has
been foretold for thousands of years.


So this year, when you wish your loved ones and humanity
‘Merry Christmas’ or when you are singing all the Christmas carols
and when you are coming together in the unified field of Love,
remember that it is you that IS Christ Consciousness.


Christ Consciousness has never been as present in the
collective consciousness of Gaia than during these times.
Feel it within your heart, within your womb, within your body!

May Christ Consciousness BE embodied by all this year!


Wishing you the most WONDERful moments of your life during the mystical days of Twelfthide and Christmas.

I will be tuning tuning out of SM for a couple
of days to deeper integrate and to BE present
in the here and NOW.

I honour you deeply and I thank you from the
bottom of my Heart for BEing here, walking side by side
as we ARE embodying Christ Consciousness.


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