Resourcing from within

Three Days Event for you, for me, for us.

Dear Sister, dear Brother

You are invited into a journey of 3 days, where we enter a sacred virtual temple space and gather in communion with our Higher Selves and the Divine.

3 Transmissions – 3 Activations – 3 Points of Gathering

October 9th – 10th – 11th 2022

The old is crumbling and we are invited to radically BE the peacful change that we deeply desire for humanity!

This is why I am guided to create this 3 days event,
where we come together,
where we realign to our Hearts,
where we alchemize our Fears into Trust,
and most importantly
where we remember how powerful we are.

I received the clear guidance to co-create a space where we can gather together and remember on a deeper level that we are Sovereign and Divine Creatrixes and Creators of our realities and of our world! This divine knowing and embodiment is now needed more than ever before. We can see that many structures in this world are crumbling and this is not going to stop. It is therefore important – no crucial – for every single human being to remember that we are soooo much more than we have ever been thaught to belief on this planet.

I will be channeling all the information that will come through from Source, the High Councils and my Higher Self.

 Amongst others, I will also share very tangiable tools and technologies that have deeply supported me in staying in my Heart Consciousness throughout my rollercoaster of this human life.

Hey there, if you don’t know me, my name is

Nayeli Dalisay

Three years ago my life took a massive redirection that I could’ve never predicted in my wildest dreams. Throughout these years time, I have moved through big portals of transformation, facing my deepest fears and pains and constantly pushing the edges of my limiting universe. However, thanks to these challenging experiences, my psychic abilities got activated and I have been blessed to feel the ecstatic bliss of my Soul, which has saved my life more than once and has allowed me to courageously choose to walk myself back home to the innocence of my Heart-Womb.

When the outside collapses, the only place to resource from is within.

Have you ever longed for Peace on Earth and in your life?

Have you ever felt alone and overwhelmed in this vast
world of hustle, stress, achievement and comparison?

Have you ever been terrified of expressing your truth?

Have you ever hidden your true self away
just to fit in and feel safe?

Have you ever said or done something to gain
validation from someone else?

Have you ever desired a life with
more purpose
and fulfilment?

Have you ever longed for deeper connections
with your sisters and brothers?

Let me tell you that there is a reason for this.
And I know that Deep inside yourself you know that you are here for something bigger than what you are currently living.

Join me for

3 Transmissions – 3 Activations – 3 Points of Gathering

for you to remember how to resource from within.

October 9th – pre-recorded
I will be travelling this day, therefore the transmission will be pre-recorded, and sent out at 9 AM CET.

October 10th – live 6 – 8 PM CET

October 11th – live 6 – 8 PM CET

We will gather on Zoom and replay will be available within 24 hours.

You know that all the answers can be found within yourself, always.

You know that everything is a reflection of yourself, always.

This is your truest essence.

Now is the time to embody this – to embody your Self. In order for this to happen, the many veils of illusions must be taken off, one by one, for you to see more clearly and then choose your Sovereign Divinity very consciously.

We gather together in this container to accelerate this process.

This sacred journey is for you if you

Remember, you are the Sovereign Creatrix of your reality, always. Choose wisely.

Your Investment

I invite you to choose the angel number between

111 CHF and 333 CHF

that feels aligned and expansive in your heart-womb.

For all the Swiss Sisters:
if you wish to use TWINT, contact me directly.

Resourcing from within

CHF 222.00

Important: when purchasing check your spam folder in your inbox!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly.
I am here to support you.

Telegram: @nayelidalisaycontact
Facebook: Nayeli Dalisay

Namasté beautiful Soul!

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