
Special offer for embodying your Sovereignty

Beautiful ones 🤍

It’s been an interesting journey these past two months. I arrived back in Switzerland end of July after an deeply transformative time abroad and crowning the experience with a one week pilgrimage in France receiving many initiations from the Ancient Rose Lineages.

The moment I steped foot onto the grids of Switzerland, all plans that I had made prior collapsed and crumbled pretty much from one moment to another.

🌀 From cancelling my trip to Scotland days before we were meant to leave,
🌀 to instantaneously slipping into a demanding care giving and contact person role for my grandmother,
🌀 to my own physical health challenges that meant that I had to have surgery,
🌀 to not having a permanent place to stay here any more and having to figure
out where I’ll stay and where I’ll go to next,
🌀 to not knowing how I can actually bring magnetize my deep desire of supporting humanity in this journey of radical embodiment.

I have been moving through all of this and more simultaneously.

And it’s been all happening so fast, so overwhelming and so unexpectedly.

Honestly, the way all of these experiences came together the past weeks, they would have been deeply retraumatizing if this unfolding had happened not too long ago.

And that’s why it all came together now and not in the past. There is a perfection in the omnipresent intelligence of the divine that we cannot possibly understand from our limited human consciousness. This is true to our very unique human journeys but also to what is happening in the state of this world. I was able to move through these deep cycles of completion as graceful as ever before because I have been learning to resource from within, to stay in the center of the storm and always come back into my Heart-Womb Portal. I have been learning to expand my capacity to receive support in the most unexpected ways possible.

And so, so, so much more.

I thank everyone who has and still is directly or indirectly supporting me these past years on the phyical and non-physical planes of existence.

I feel deep gratitude for this journey.
This very, very wild and unpredictable ride of a human ascension.


Yesterday I received the clear guidance to create a 3 days event and today I am sharing it with you.

Resourcing from Within

3 Transmissions – 3 Activations – 3 Points of Gathering
for the embodiment of your Unique Sovereign Divinity.

On October 9th – 10th – 11th

Each transmission will be around 2 hours.
Replay will be sent within 24 hours.

On october 9th you will receive a pre-recorded transmission as I will be travelling that day.
On october 10th and 11th we will gather live on Zoom at 6 PM CET.

You choose which angel number feels aligned with your Heart-Womb between

111 – 333 CHF

Payment can be done through TWINT, Paypal or direct bank transfer (to a Swiss bank account).
(I am still figuring it out on my own website)

I will allow Spirit to flow through me and share the messages from the High Councils and Ascended Masters. I will also share very tangiable tools for your human to understand a bit better what is happening in your life and how you can resource yourself from within and if needed there will also be space to share and ask questions for your personal life’s journey.


Soo looking forward to this magickal co-creation.

Remember, no matter what is happening in your life, always choose Love
Nayeli Dalisay 🌹


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