“You are a sovereign being with a free will to choose any belief system according to your desire. However, the root of all suffering arises from the belief that divinity is imperfect and has failed you. […] Entertaining any viral belief in the flawed nature of divinity and life creates instantaneous suffering in your mind. Suffering is a shocking experience for the innocence of your human heart, which fundamentally knows itself as the throne of your Higher Self’s divinity.” – p. 134, Green Tara
Yesterday as I was preparing for week 4 of our Sophia Circle Journey, this page instantly opened up as a message and reminder from Green Tara. This deeply soothed my body, heart and mind. 🐉
Recently I have been all over the place, but in the conscious presence the Golden Dragon Tribe. My body has been and still is initiating me into new levels of self love and communion through the messages of physical pain, tension, deficiencies and imbalances. It’s a gradual process of becoming more present with what is here now, a dance between suffering (and checking out of my body) and liberation as I am choosing to see the perfection of all that is.
“[…] the root of all suffering is a divided Self: your limited understanding at war with the truth of your perfect divinity and the perfection of life revealing that divinity to you.” – p. 135 🤍