It feels like the deep pause between the inhale and exhale. The moment where everything stands still and you wonder how much longer you can hold your breath, not knowing when the next one will come yet just a one short moment away.
The excitement, the surrender, the faith, the ecstacy, the curiosity, the anxiety, the fear, the unknown everything collapsing together into this one sacred moment.
This is how my life currently feels like.
Many things are changing rapidly. Within one moment old identities and attachments just dissolve in the loving presence of my Higher Self. And while my mind is not quite understanding what is happening, there is a deep peace in myself as I surf one wave after another. As I allow the ebbs and lows of my consciousness to be present with me, without attachment nor escaping. Just BEing present with all that is.
This is what my Heart is constantly guiding me back to. Loving every moment of this unique experience. Without knowing how things are meant to unfold. I am simply consistently tuning in to my heart’s guidance and taking the aligned actions, from a place of BEingness.
When I forget.
I choose to remember.
When I seek.
I choose to be in the NOW.
When I am overwhelmed.
I choose to breathe.
When I am anxious.
I choose love.
I choose over again.
Not once but multiple
times a day.
This is how I am navigating through these times of great turmoil. Embodying the knowing that Peace is a state of consciousness that wants to be embodied in every cell of our bodies.
✨ Two weeks ago I had the honour to create a beautiful container for you to resource even deeper from within your fully sovereign Self.
✨ These three channelled transmissions were so profound and powerful. Do you wish to receive the replays? You are invited choose which angel number betwen 111 – 333 CHF feels aligned to invest into your embodied expansion.
Reach out to me directly if you are interested 🥰
Sending you many Golden Autumn blessings 🍂
Remember, always choose Love
Nayeli Dalisay ❤️